Morshedul Islam's latest film on the Liberation War, “Amar Bondhu Rashed”, will be released tomorrow. Initially the film will be released in Dhaka, Khulna, Rajshahi and Dinajpur. Based on a novel for adolescents by Dr. Mohammad Zafar Iqbal, the film narrates the courage and patriotism of a teenager in 1971.
The premiere of the film was held yesterday at Star Cineplex in Dhaka. The cast and crew, along with the director, producer, distributor and several other noted personalities enjoyed the premiere. The film received a government grant. Monon Chalachitra and Impress Telefilm Ltd. have jointly produced the film. Ashirbad Chalachitra will distribute the film across the country.
The film narrates the story of Rashed, a student of class eight who lives in a small town. The Liberation War breaks out and Rashed along with his friends get involved with the resistance movement. They start helping the freedom fighters.
The young cast includes Chowdhury Joyit Afnan, Raihan Iftesham Chowdhury, Rifayet Zinnat, Faiyaz Bin Zia, Likhon Rahi, Kawsar Abedin and Kazi Raihan Rabbi. Seasoned actors Raisul Islam Asad, Pijush Bandopadhaya, Wahida Mallick Jolly, Gazi Rakayet and Dr. Enamul Haq have played key roles in the film.
L. Opu Rosario is the cinematographer of the film. Emon Saha has directed the music. The film has been edited by Ratan Paul.
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